Wednesday, October 7, 2009

All the news that's fit to print

(click to enlarge)

For your blog posts this week, here are some suggestions of things to think about. Your blogs this week can also easily tie into the work you will be doing for your assignment.

1) Think more about the pseudo-event. Can you find any more example of pseudo-events? Who or what is behind the event and why? What is its purpose?
2) Where is the line between entertainment and news these days? Between publicity and news? Should there be a difference?
3) Draw on Gilliam and Iyengar's experiment and results to think about other examples of how the construction of "news" can affect how audiences interpret the world.
4) What do you know (or what can you find) about the current problems in the newspaper industry? What do these problems have to do with the system we have been looking at?

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