Friday, October 30, 2009

Links for online readings next week

Grossman, Lev. 2006. “Time’s Person of the Year: You.”

Hesse, Monica. “Facebook's Easy Virtue 'Click-Through Activism' Broad but Fleeting,” The Washington Post, 7/2/09.

Also, I'd like you to take this quiz from the Pew Internet & American Life Project by FRIDAY: "What kind of tech user are you?"

Please post your results in your blog or as a comment to this post. You could even fashion one of your blog posts as an examination of these results.


MR.HOT 15 said...

I am a Media Mover

If you are a Media Mover, you have a wide range of online and mobile habits, and you are bound to find or create an information nugget, such as a digital photo, and pass it on. These social exchanges are central to your use of information and communication technology. Cyberspace, as a path to personal productivity or an outlet for creativity, is less important to you.

kmejia12 said...

I an an Ambivalent Networker

If you are an Ambivalent Networker, you have folded mobile devices into how you run your social life, whether through texting or online social networking tools. You also rely on ICTs for entertainment. At the same time – perhaps because of the volume of digital pings from others – you may sometimes find all your connectivity to be intrusive. You are confident in your ability to troubleshoot your various information devices and services

Mi Seok Huh said...

An Ambivalent Networker

If you are an Ambivalent Networker, you have folded mobile devices into how you run your social life, whether through texting or online social networking tools. You also rely on ICTs for entertainment. At the same time – perhaps because of the volume of digital pings from others – you may sometimes find all your connectivity to be intrusive. You are confident in your ability to troubleshoot your various information devices and services.

Andy Rota said...

An Digital Collaborator

If you are a Digital Collaborator, you use information technology to work with and share your creations with others. You are enthusiastic about how ICTs help you connect with others and confident in your ability to manage digital devices and information. For you, the digital commons can be a camp, a lab, or a theater group – places to gather with others to develop something new.

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